
Prateek Joshi.png

I’m Prateek Joshi and this blog is about all things tech. In addition to it, I write a weekly newsletter on all things Machine Learning. It has practical advice on ML concepts, building products, getting jobs, and thriving at work.

Albert Einstein once famously said “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”. My writing style is an attempt towards this. Thanks to the love and support of the readers, this blog has readership in 200+ countries.

Here are a few links that might be useful:
– Author of 13 books on Machine Learning, including a #1 Best Seller.
– Host of the Infinite Machine Learning podcast. You can listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.
– You can connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter

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8 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Prateek,

    I thank you for your blog and the thoughts and perspectives you have shared.

    This image contains more information (color / hue) than any other 2 dimensional graphic of this function, that I have seen before or since.

    Would you render and share larger scopes of this function which show the representation of the functions beyond the partially exposed symmetries at the top and bottom right of this image? If you render that image in a non-pixel-neighbor format (tiff .psd) then more information will be conserved (as it would not be simplified by the compression algorithm of the image type).

    A large (4,000 pixel or more) equi-rectangular image of this function in the format that you have expressed the relationships in this function does reveal so much about the beauty and geometry of this universe.

    wordsmithkeymaker at gmail . com

    Please continue to write and share your perspectives, visions and wonderful views of what it is that you see and understand, it is appreciated greatly!


  2. hi, I am starting a python blog at: pythonmembers.club and would like to have some pieces of advice from you. I just read your ai book from Packt and I must say that this is by far the best ai book ever written on ai with py! #mindblown

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